Vulvovaginal Health at RemedyNow Health Care in Milwaukee
The Vulvovaginal Health at RemedyNow Health Care in Milwaukee is provided by Dr. Danish Siddiqui. Dr. Siddiqui is a member of the International Society for the Study of Vulvovaginal Disorders, the preeminent medical society devoted to the treatment of vulvovaginal disorders and sexual pain. He specializes in the care and treatment of women with disorders of the vulva and vagina, including vulvodynia, vaginismus, chronic vaginitis, lichenoid disorders, and complicated yeast and bacterial infections, among others. Dr. Siddiqui has the training, knowledge, and experience required to accurately diagnose and effectively treat vulvar and vaginal disorders, providing women with much-needed relief from these often painful, uncomfortable, and challenging conditions. These conditions are diagnosed and managed with a multidisciplinary approach designed to meet your needs using as needed. The conditions are treated with both traditional and bioidentical compounded medications. Vaginal and Vulvar Lasers and natural holistic options like Platelet rich Plasma and Fibrin are also available and readily used to treat the recalcitrant conditions.Schedule a Consultation
Invest in your comfort and well-being with RemedyNow Health Care in Milwaukee, where Dr. Danish Siddiqui, a trusted expert in vulvovaginal health, offers specialized care backed by cutting-edge treatments. With a comprehensive approach tailored to your unique needs, including innovative options like bioidentical compounded medications, vaginal and vulvar lasers, and natural holistic therapies, Dr. Siddiqui strives to bring relief from the complexities of vulvar and vaginal disorders. Trust in Dr. Siddiqui’s expertise to navigate through these challenging conditions, providing you with the care and solutions you deserve for a more comfortable and fulfilling life.Related Blog Posts

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Office Locations:
7001 South Howell Ave
Oak Creek, WI, 53154
Tel: 262-312-9095
136 North Main Street
Suit 309
Thiensville, WI 53092
Tel: 262-312-9095
Center for Women’s Health
128 Hospital Drive
Watertown, WI 53098
Tel: 920-262-4825