Many women feel anxious about menopause. While menopause does come with some unwelcome symptoms, the good news is that these unpleasant physical and emotional changes after your period ends are manageable. Dr. Siddiqui utilizes an individualized approach to managing different symptoms in a holistic approach using both nonhormonal and natural bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, to help women during menopause.
Hormonal treatment For Menopausal Symptoms
Bio identical and Natural Hormone therapy. Estrogen therapy is the most effective treatment option for relieving menopausal hot flashes. Depending on your personal and family medical history, your doctor may recommend estrogen in the lowest dose and the shortest time frame needed to provide symptom relief for you. If you still have your uterus, you’ll need progestin in addition to estrogen. Estrogen also helps prevent bone loss. Long-term use of hormone therapy may have some cardiovascular and breast cancer risks, but starting hormones around the time of menopause has shown benefits for some women. Dr. Siddiqui will discuss the benefits and risks of hormone therapy and whether it’s a safe choice for you.
Vaginal estrogen. To relieve vaginal dryness, estrogen can be administered directly to the vagina using a vaginal cream, tablet, or ring. This treatment releases just a small amount of estrogen, which is absorbed by the vaginal tissues. It can help relieve vaginal dryness, discomfort with intercourse, and some urinary symptoms.
Non-Hormonal Treatment of Hot Flashes in Menopause
Natural and bio-identical estrogen has been used as a hormonal supplement in the treatment of menopausal symptoms. Estrogen therapy is the most effective treatment for VMS in postmenopausal women. Estrogen therapy, however, is contraindicated for the treatment of VMS in women with a history of breast cancer, CHD, previous venous thromboembolic events, transient ischemic attack, or stroke; unexplained vaginal bleeding; high-risk endometrial cancer; and active liver disease. For this reason, non-hormonal approaches have been considered to treat VMS in postmenopausal women.
Low-dose antidepressants. Certain antidepressants related to the class of drugs called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) may decrease menopausal hot flashes. A low-dose antidepressant for management of hot flashes may be useful for women who can’t take estrogen for health reasons or for women who need an antidepressant for a mood disorder.
Gabapentin is approved to treat seizures, but it has also been shown to help reduce hot flashes. This drug is useful in women who can’t use estrogen therapy and in those who also have nighttime hot flashes.
Clonidine, a pill or patch typically used to treat high blood pressure, might provide some relief from hot flashes.
Medications to prevent or treat osteoporosis. Depending on individual needs several medications are available that help reduce bone loss and risk of fractures. Dr. Siddiqui might prescribe Calcium and vitamin D supplements to help strengthen bones.
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